Murray Clan 13!!

Murray Clan 13!!

A time for humility

We have been home from Lourdes for over two months.  How very blessed we are!!!
Yes, we have had many moments of struggle, and many moments of blessings and grace.  For some it is not very obvious, but for me, after being able to examine the gifts I can thank God and His mother.
We have received so many blessings in many ways that are not seen.  At this time when it is truly a struggle financially for many people there are so many kind and generous folks that have helped us in our struggles.  Lately I have become mendicant, begging for things and asking for help.  Our family members have helped in so many ways with financial assistance or help caring for the children.  The Boy Scouts of America gave Kieran a scholarship to camp.  Sheila also received a scholarship to camp.  American Shaolin Kenpo has offered the three boys a scholarship to their martial arts class until the Charter School can pay during the school year. Claire also receives sewing lessons that we don't pay for because of her generous grandparents.
Asking for help is so demeaning. Instead, it is easier to pray and ask our Lord to help. We have also asked our Lady to intercede for us especially in Lourdes.  Because I felt that letting other people know that you are desperate and need their help was beneath me.  I want to do it myself.  I thought I didn't need anyone else's help.
In that case we could not have gone to Lourdes, or have the things we have now to live if we did not have help.  Again, I have learned that our Lord is helping us through the wonderful family and friends who are so generous.  If I do not accept their gifts I am denying the blessings given to us by God.  So many people want to help.  I should have let them long ago.  Pride has always been such a weakness for me, a weekly confession point, it is for so many of us as it has been since the fall.  We overcome pride with humility. 
We ask God for help, we pray to the saints to help.  Why not ask others for help? And give to others what you are able to give.  Accept the benefits of love and grace that come from God from those who He has put in your way and say "Thank you, and God Bless" to all. 
The Murray clan very much appreciates your prayers and kindness.  God Bless you!!

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