Murray Clan 13!!

Murray Clan 13!!

What is Marriage?

Caryll Houselander explains it best when she said:

We must grow in wisdom, as Christ did, by deepening our understanding of the sacramental life through the very substance of every day.

Until there is nothing we see or touch that is not charged with wonder for us, though it is something as familiar as the bread on the table.  And there is nothing that we do, though it be no more than filling a glass with water for a child, which does not sweep the loveliness of God's sacramental plan through our thoughts, like a great wave of grace washing them clean from sin and the sorrow that is inseparable from it. Then we can increase joy through compassion, even where there is incurable suffering, for if we even want to put on Christ's personality we shall radiate his light, and he is the light which shines in darkness, which darkness cannot overcome.
In matrimony, it is the bride and bridegroom who give one another the grace of the sacrament;  and it goes on, as they grow together in one another's love, a gradual increase of joy, which nothing, ultimately, can take away from them.  In a sense they are one another's priests, because their life is a lifelong giving and taking of Christ's life.  Everything in their lives has a quality of miracle;  all their words of compassion or forgiveness are in a sense little absolutions;  their union a communion with Christ.  Every breaking of bread at their table, a remembrance and more than a remembrance of him.
Human marriage is only a symbol, a shadow of the marriage of Christ with his Church, of the continual growing together in creative love, of the daily transformation of everything that so much as touches the hem of his garment;  and it is we who are the Church!
By our baptism we are bidden to the marriage feast where water is changed to wine.  Cana is an image of our Christ-life on earth, but Christ is not only a guest; he is the Bridegroom with whom we must rejoice, who desires for everyone who loves him "that my joy may be yours, and the measure of your joy may be filled up" (Jn 15:11).

I love this!

Joseph is 12!!!

Happy Birthday Joseph!!!

Mary - What a cutie!!

Mary is 3 months old and such a cutie! She is the light of the family.

Joe and Kieran in RIO for WYD!!!

Kieran and Joe had the awesome opportunity to attend WYD RIO 2013

Here is a reflection that helped me to appreciate the experience of WYD from afar.
And Pope Francis keeps reminding us that the doors of the Church need to be open, not so that people can come in, but so that we can go out. Go and make disciples of all nations. Go be missionaries of love. We don’t have to venture too far from home to do that. How do we rebuild the Church? We love.
Yet love means the Cross. Laying down your life for someone else is the Cross. Being open to God’s surprises is the Cross. Having to be present to the other, being authentic to the other is the Cross. Still, when we do it out of love, and it is rooted in prayer and the Sacraments, it doesn’t feel like a cross.
On Saturday night, at the Vigil, Pope Francis told us that it doesn’t have to be perfect. “There will always be thorns and rocks in life.” But all we need is a little bit of good soil. He said using Argentinian slag, that we just need “tto make a “little bit of good soil (un cachito de buena tierra) in your hearts”. “You will see how it grows”. It’s ok to struggle and it’s ok to fall, all we need is a little bit of good soil.
On Sunday morning, in front of 3.2 million pilgrims, Pope Francis again gave us three parting ideas: Go, without fear, to serve. I’m afraid to go, yet Jesus says “I am with you always.” He will always help us carry our Cross. I am afraid to serve but Jesus sends us two-by-two. I am afraid to be surprised, yet Jesus asks, “do you trust me?”
And it was that same Martha who was too anxious and worried, when her brother Lazarus died and Jesus asked her, “do you believe?” who gave one of the only five confessions of faith found in the Gospels. She said, “Yes, Lord. I believe that you are the Christ, the Son of God.” If I am to say the same, I have to let Him be God.
May God continue to bless the young people who attended WYD RIO and aid them in serving His Church.

Congratulations Claire on your Graduation!!

Claire has graduated from High School and will be heading off to the Junior College in the Fall.
We are so proud of her!!!