Murray Clan 13!!

Murray Clan 13!!

Thanksgiving... not the only time to be thankful!

Thanksgiving is a wonderful holiday, it is crucial to humanity for us to be thankful people.  Similar to so many others I am very thankful for the blessings God has given to our family.  The gifts as well as the crosses.  We cannot improve or grow without both.  As a Catholic, I am most thankful for the gift of faith.  I find strength and consolation in the beauty of the sacraments.  The Eucharist, which means thanksgiving, is the greatest treasure and what I am most thankful to God for is the precious gift of His Son.
The season of Advent has begun, which this year the church has declared as the season of grace.  And, with this Adventseason  has come the new translations of the mass.  These translations are also perfect opportunities to give thanks to God for illuminating the gifts of mass in a much more transformative and elevating language.  I am so thankful for the beautiful changes which are more accurate to the original Latin text.  This Roman missal no longer attempts to "dumb down the mass," as our pastor Fr. Jerry Brown so accurately explained during his homily on the first Sunday of Advent.  We are once again encouraged to appreciate and be thankful for the gift of the priesthood.  Especially those self-giving men who feed, shepherd and support their flock in learning the new responses and listenening to the right worship of God that takes place in the new missal.
Christmas will soon be upon us, therefore let us enjoy the next four weeks of Advent as we truly prepare to receive on Lord on the day of His birth.  Giving thanks to God with supreme adoration and praise that now adheres more accurately to the Church's initial prayers and responses of the mass for centuries.
Happy season of Advent!

Blessed are those parents...

Blessed are those parents who make their peace with spilled milk and with mud, for of such is the kingdom of childhood.
Blessed is the parent who engages not in the comparison of his child with others, for precious unto each is the rhythm of his own growth.
Blessed are the fathers and mothers who have learned laughter, for it is the music of the child's world.
Blessed and wise are those parents who understand the goodness of time, for they make it not a sword that kills growth but a shield to protect.
Blessed and mature are they who without anger can say "no," for comforting to the child is the security of firm decisions.
Blessed is the gift of consistency, for it is heart's-ease in childhood.
Blessed are they who accept awkwardness of growth, for they are aware of the choice between marred furnishings and damaged personalities.
Blessed are the teachable for knowledge brings understanding, and understanding brings love.
Blessed are the men and women who, in the midst of the unpromising mundane, give love, for they bestow the greatest of all gifts to each other, to their children, and - in an ever-widening circle - to their fellow men.

This was written by Marion Kinneman.  I pray that I may continue to practice this and strive to remember the precious gift of parenting.

All Saints Day - Halloween

This year I really appreciated Halloween. We celebrated All Hallows Eve at our parish Immaculate Heart of Mary Church in Brentwood. The kids enjoyed dressing up as great Saints in the Church.
 Eight members of the Murray Clan dressed up as Saints while only one was a religious priest. That is a true testament to the opportunity for laity to be canonized in the Church.  It was so much easier and less expensive to have them dress as Saints than havng to purchase pre-made costumes of super-heroes and scary figures.

 We had St. Michael the Archangel, St. Maria Goretti, St. Gianna Berretta Mola, St. Stephen, St. Dominic Savio, St. Charbel, Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati and St. Dominic (priest)
Pope Benedict XVI highlighted to the young people that "the very notion of saints has been caricatured and distorted, as if to be holy meant to be remote from the world, naive and joyless."
This certainly was not true at the party. There was so much joy and we were so glad to be a part of parish that took the time to celebrate the Saints of our faith.
"Christ is not so much interested in how often in our lives we stumble and fall, as in how often with His help we pick ourselves up again. A Saint is someone who picked him- or herself up, by God's grace, one more time than he or she stumbled and fell.

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