Murray Clan 13!!

Murray Clan 13!!

Prayers needed for Claire

Claire is back in the hospital.  She returned last week with a  multitude of complications.  She has an infection, open wounds on her back that are not healing, a lump forming on her back that could be from the scoliosis or from wound infection.  She also has pressure sores on her heals because she cannot move her legs the pressure from keeping them immobile formed blisters and sores that are not healing.  Her broviak was removed over two weeks ago, and looked so promising for her continued improvement.  Yet with this latest hospital stay in order to have her take the strong coarse of antibiotics she needs a central vein, so a pik-line was placed back in her arm.  Which did cause her alot of distress and pain. 
Claire is very delicate, her bones, her skin are much more fragile than before. When Claire returns home she will need a hospital bed and special precautions to allow her body to heal. 
She may need surgery this week, to correct the issues in her back.  She may need future surgery to help with the weakness in her arms.  The neurosurgeon is not sure he can prevent further deterioration.  This may lead to loss of her arm function as well as her diaphragm and the need for a ventilator.
The Murray clan is taking all this one day at a time.  Claire's spirits are good, we feel that God is faithful.  Our Mother Mary has been so generous to us, Claire will persevere through this and certainly recover with your prayers. 
Please continue to keep her in your prayers.  It is profoundly obvious that these prayers sustain, and comfort Claire.  Without them, I am not sure where she and her family would be.
Thank you all for your kindness.
God Bless you.
Our Lady of Lourdes pray for us.

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