Murray Clan 13!!

Murray Clan 13!!

Surgery for Claire

Claire's surgery went very well.  It was over 12 hours and she needed 5 liters of blood in the process.  As a result, she is very swollen from all of the blood products.  She is in a great deal of pain as well.  However, all of this seems worth it given that her curvature was progressing and may have eventually caused further damage to her spinal cord.  The surgeon mentioned that they were able to make a 70% correction with her scoliosis and correct a portion of the caiphosis. At this point, Claire's arm and leg function have improved.  We noticed an increase in arm function, and we will have to wait and see on her leg function given that she has an arterial IV line in one foot and compression braces on her legs for blood circulation.  But she is able to move her feet up and down. Praise God!  The prayers, masses, and rosaries certainly have aided Claire in such a smooth recovery.  We have seen Claire come out of much less complicated surgeries with more difficulties and pain.  However, since we certainly rallied all the troops for prayerful intercession, her recovery has been, for the most part, very uneventful. Thank you all for your prayers; our family is so grateful to those who have kept Claire on the top of their intention list.
May God continue to bless you for your kindness and deep faith.

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