Murray Clan 13!!

Murray Clan 13!!

School is back in session.

So, school is back in session in the Murray home, and, as usual it is really tough to get back into the routine of the school year after the summer break. No one enjoys their summer more than I.  Six of my children are in school this year. They are all in different grades and each of them learns the material in a manner unique to their abilities. I would love to have them all learning the same material. But, given their different levels and different learning styles I have needed to teach in a more individualized way. This type of teaching can be more stressful so I really rely on prayer, mass, and the intercession of the Saints, especially the Blessed Virgin Mary, to help us complete the daily lessons.
I have been reflecting quite a bit lately on this decision to teach my children at home. Mainly because I feel old, tired, an unsure if I will continue to be capable of  teaching while maintaining my sanity. This soul searching really began after we became involved in a Co-op at my parish. It is wonderful group and I am so blessed that we got involved. While  at one of the meetings for the mothers who participate in the co-op each of us introduced ourselves and mentioned how long we had been homeschooling. That question took me off guard. How long had I been homeschooling? Wow, it must be a long time because my oldest son Matthew is 24 yrs. old and we started him when he was 9 yrs old. My oldest daughter Sheila started when she was in Kindergarten and she is 20 yrs. now. Where has the time gone and how long has it been? As we went around the group with names and years etc. I really had to do the math that I fight my children to learn and enjoy on a daily basis. So, today I really can't remember most of those ladies' names. But I came to the realization that it has been over 15 yrs! That is a long time! How many teachers in a classroom today have that experience. I know that I am not the best, and each of my children could probably learn more in school than at home with a mom who struggles to maintain the house, teach each child in their grade level and serve at our parish. Since I am so divided among my children I know they could do much better from a more learned academic. So why do I do it? Especially since this homeschooling thing stresses me out on many occasions and the house becomes upset and falls apart if we do not establish order?
It occurred to me through prayer that I do it because I am convinced that it is God's will for me to be at home with my children teaching them. I don't do it because I want them to get into a great college or have a great career. I certainly hope they do. That would be a great perk. Rather, I continue to do this because I want them in heaven some day. I am convinced that I am doing my best to get them there if I keep them home and allow them to learn more about Him and the beautiful teachings of the Catholic Church. They probably could do much better receiving scholarships and pursuing their career goals while in a regular school setting. But that is not my goal for them. My husband and I want them to strive to be beautiful human beings, and learning at home may afford them more of a chance to experience that than at outside school.
During the struggles of the beginning of school year I prayed constantly to make sure to do His will. I did not want to keep my children at home if they could do well in another setting. I prayed for more resources for the children who are struggling and for more support and peace for my day. I prayed that He show me the way as I searched for peace. I believe my prayers were answered and that our Lord wants me to continue to teach my children. I did receive some great websites with excellent resources as well as support from my husband who has reinforced his desire for the children to be homeschooled He has also hs my back when my children don't listen to me because when dad comes home from work they will be punished. He is also so helpful at home which allows mean opportunity to participate in a women's group at my parish.  I am so grateful for that opportunity and to have the support and love from my family. I thank God for hearing, answering, and providing the consolation I need to continue with this work. I pray for the patience to persevere. Thank you for your prayers and have a happy school year!

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