Murray Clan 13!!

Murray Clan 13!!

Give me Your Eyes that I might see...

"Give me Your Eyes that I might see, give me Your love for humanity." Help me to see others as you them Lord. Help me not to stare, to appreciate others given their own special gifts and dignity. Given my limited experience, living in this Country and traveling to Lourdes, staring from adults and children is very common and difficult to be the one on the receiving end, just ask Claire. Sure, some staring offers pity, while others just reflect nonacceptance and disgust. However in Lourdes we felt love and respect from everyone who looked upon us. The people who looked at Claire at the airport, at the baths, at the hotel, on the street, all did so with care. Reflecting now on our time there I realize that Lourdes is a place where the sick, the infirm, and the disabled are held at a higher esteem. And, why shouldn't this be so, the suffering are "being kissed by Christ," and He would want them close to His mother. This same suffering our Lady endured at the foot of the cross.
In this country those that are ill are not appreciated for their suffering, we hope to alleviate if not remove their suffering. The means today often relegate the sick out of sight so our sensibilities are no longer harmed. The sick and handicapped are not given proper dignity as a child of God. Sure there are handicapped laws and benefits, yet these are empty for the lack of love and respect rightfully given to the human person whether in good health or not. Mother Teresa mentioned: "I think a much greater disease is to be unloved, unwanted. The pain that these people suffer is very difficult to understand, to penetrate. I think this is what our people all over the world are going through." The Missionaries of Charity, the Order of Malta, and St. Vincent De Paul do an outstanding job respecting the dignity of each human person deigned by God. I recently reflected while praying the Chaplet of the Seven Sorrows of Our Lady that a few of the Sorrows of Our Lady are also the Joyful mysteries. (The Presentation and the Finding in the Temple) I am sure that as we reflect on our past joys there is also sorrow, as well as our sorrows bring joy. Our lives would be very shallow without the sufferings that chisel and perfect our soul as we live with others and prepare for eternity.
I know that I need to appreciate and respect the sufferings of others, and to serve them as we are called to do by God. We need the grace which can only be received in caring for the sick and the poor. Not because it may bring emotional benefits or strokes of pride, rather it is because we are called to do so by Christ.
Our Lady of Lourdes pray for us.
Our Lady of Sorrows pray for us.

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