Murray Clan 13!!

Murray Clan 13!!

Happy Birthday Matthew!!!!!

Matthew turned 21 yrs. old today! Yes a milestone for us Americans. Why? Because you are legal. You can buy, drink and patronize pubs with alcohol, you are of age. Most college students celebrate with gusto this right of passage. Now you do not have to worry about being caught while drinking alcohol when you were under age, you can drink legally. So, what did Matthew do to celebrate? He went to visit his younger sister in the hospital. Claire just had another surgery, the second within a week. She is in pain and tired of being in the hospital and Matthew went to sit next to her bed in ICU, and joke, and celebrate his birthday with her since she would not be able to be at home enjoying his birthday with the family. Sure, he could have said "it's my birthday I can visit Claire tomorrow or when she comes back." But, given her feelings and that mom would not be able to be at the hospital until later in the afternoon, Matthew went to spend time with Claire talking about the Giants, telling her stories about her brothers, and sharing experiences that only a big brother and younger sister can share. I am so very proud of my oldest son, he is a beautiful person, striving to live as God is calling him to live, and being a wonderful example for his younger sisters and brothers. Please wish Matthew a happy birthday next time you see him and please continue to keep him and his vocation in your prayers. Praise God for His goodness, now and always.

1 comment:

  1. Wow 21! I met you when you were 7!! Happy Birthday! I am blessed to know you and your family.
