Murray Clan 13!!

Murray Clan 13!!

The end of the Pilgrimage...

We are coming to the end of our time in Lourdes, France. Claire and I have had a once in a lifetime opportunity with tremendous blessings and joy. We are so grateful to our parish Immaculate Heart of Mary church in Brentwood as well as the pastor Fr. Jerry Brown, for their support and assistance in enabling us to make this trip.
Today, began early with mass at the parish church, it was the church built after the original burned in a fire, and the church of the Soubourious family. The baptismal font where St. Bernadette was baptized is still in the church and we captured some pictures of the beautiful stained glass as well as the mass itself. I particularly enjoy the stained glass window of St. Anthony and the donkey.
Next we had lunch, did some shopping, picked up some chocolate for the family back home, and then headed to the St. Savin church located up in the mountains nestled close to the Pyrrenes mountains. It was a church built in the 8th century and the story is that Charlemagne fought the battle with the Moors near that area. In the church we had exposition, the stations of the cross and blessing of the sick. It was told to us that most of the healings happen during the Eucharistic processions. Therefore to have so many opportunities in this pilgrimage to be blessed by Jesus in the monstrance is a unique opportunity. We all may expect physical healings, but I do know that more healings are needed and occur spiritually and never appreciated for their tremendous grace. Later we came back to hotel to rest and then attended the farewell dinner. We had a chance to say good bye and thank the Knights and Dames who helped us during our pilgrimage as well as speak with some of the other malades and companions who have been so kind and helpful during our stay. I have included the pictures of the kind and generous people in the slideshow for today. I know I have taken many pictures of churches, or masses or bishops that you would think I was in Rome. Yet, they are such a crucial part of our stay that it would be hard to leave them out.
I do apologize that the photography is not very good, I know that there will be better pictures offered from the Knights of Malta.
Do check out Seth's blog, he told me about it today, and continue to keep Ethan in your prayers.
God Bless you!

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