Murray Clan 13!!

Murray Clan 13!!

"Different...Not Less!"

This is happy Stephen. I know it may be obvious to some, but, for some time it was not clear to Stephen. Stephen has autism. Stephen is incredibly smart, his siblings can attest to that, his mind works diferently than others. He is different than his siblings, than other children, and even different than his parents. Of course, everyone is different. God, in his goodness created everyone unique, and precious. We are not all the same because each one has a soul that is individual and distinct. Yet most of us can process information similarly and respond to stimuli in the same way, that is how our brains were designed. Stephen cannot. He cannot read people's emotions like most other children, his senses are highly intensified so even the slightest smell or sound can be painful and bothersome for Stephen and that is not the case for other children. These skills make Stephen different than others.
Our family recently watched the "Temple Grandin" movie about a woman who has autism.

She is brilliant but she processes the world differently than most people. She learned growing up that she was "different, not less." And, this was during a time that autistic children were institutionalized with possible shock treatment, something we all know to be archaic and cruel today. She did not overcome her differences she incorporated them into her world and informed others who wanted to interact with her about her world. Stephen's uniqueness is not obvious to most, not like Claire whose disability can be seen because she uses a wheel chair and sadly she will receive stares as a result. For Stephen, he is has no physical handicaps but if he is in a social situation he may repeat a movie, speak very loudly and hum to himself which eventually causes stares and frustrations from others who do not understand his ways of managing his surroundings. Once someone begins to talk with Stephen they are more than aware of his limitations we put them at ease by explaining his gift of autism. Some believe that we should not draw attention to the label and allow everyone to treat Stephen as if his uniqueness were not an issue. But, I believe, and am now affirmed in that belief after watching the movie, that to allow people to understand the genius of God and the wonderful capabilities of those who are different we need to proclaim his gifts, to educate and to help others feel comfortable around those who have "special needs." Of course, this is not a license for pity or acceptions. Rather, Stephen is still required to participate in his family and the world and he is expected to demonstrate the proper manners, respect and reverence he should have for God, for himself, for family and humanity. After watching the movie the Murrays were all in awe over the similarities of Temple Grandin and their brother, however even given their autism they are still different, just not less.
Each of us has been given a unique opportunity to allow others to benefit from our presence. Certainly, those in my own circle may benefit because they have to put up with me and it is their own personal purgatory, I think of my husband of course, but mostly I benefit from those God has entrusted to my care. Stephen and Claire certainly have caused us all to limit our selfishenss, to start looking outside of ourselves and enabled us to grow in self giving. Isn't that why we are all here?
I highly recommend the movie to anyone who spends time with the Murray's and expecially with Stephen, or even around other children and people with autism. Stephen is a great kid, and we are so thankful to God!!

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