Murray Clan 13!!

Murray Clan 13!!

The Giants trump Halloween!!!

I am not much of a Giants fan, nor a baseball fan, or even a sports fan for that matter.  But, over the last few months the Murrays have been sweatin' over the World Series and the Giants.  Well they are now the World Champions!! And, I was never more thankful for Giant's baseball then on Halloween.  I am not much of a follower of baseball like the rest of the Murray Clan, but I am even less of a Halloween fan. 
I dread Halloween.  I don't even want to put up the October calendar in the classroom because it will become the 30 day count down to the 31st, and eventually melt down when the day does not come soon enough. Also, the sugar addictions become more and more apparent doing any shopping from the beginning of September until the infamous day arrives. But, that is something we can normally tolerate and live through in our home, what has become worse within the last five years is the trend toward ghoulish and gross.  The Halloween days of my past and Joe's past are gone.  The children of today no longer dress as Superman, or Batman, or a princess with plastic masks that prevent you from seeing and breathing.  No, we see young children show up at our home covered in fake blood, detached limbs, and chain saw massacre costumes.  My children are terrified.  That fear is a normal, healthy fear.  I am not going to try and tell them that the terrifying haunted house with eery screams and zombies is alright because it is Halloween.  To be afraid is normal, to be complacent about such costumes and events is not.
In the last few years I have tried to escape, choosing even to go to Costco on Halloween with the kids because I knew it would not be crowded, and of course to escape the crazy and scary happenings out in the neighborhoods.  Yes this may sound like child abuse to some, but for our large family it was a safe haven.
This year, however, because of the Giants we watched the World Series game with the family.  There was no one out beggin' for candy.  It was more akin to "Halloween what?  We're watching the game!"  What a blessing!!
As catholics we have lost our identity.  Halloween was a time of preparation for the happenings of the next day when we celebrated with the Saints.  We looked forward to the end, to be in Heaven.  Not behind to look at the events on earth.
St. Bernard tells us, in the Office of Readings on Nov. 1st:
"The Saints have no need of honor from us, neither does our devotion add to the slightest thing to what is theirs. Clearly, if we venerate their memory, it serves us, not them.  But I tell you, when I think of them,  I feel myself inflamed with a tremendous yearning....We long to share in the citizenship of heaven."
This is the message we try to teach our children.  this life is passing, not as ghouls and witches.  As people longing to see our God face to face.  I was glad for a respite from Halloween horror with Giant victory.  May we all reach the giant Saints in heaven one day, especially through their prayers and intercession.

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